Saturday 23 April 2016

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

About a week ago I had the opportunity to attend two presentations about Artificial Intelligence from two experts on the field. I really impressed about this topic.
AI is the "academic field of study which studies how to create computers and computer software that are capable of intelligent behavior" (Wikipedia, 2016). 
By intelligent behavior we mean that" computers are being taught to learn, reason and recognize emotions. In these talks, look for insights, as well as warnings" (Ted, 2016).
I am not an expert to give information about AI but I can share with you some links so you can learn about it. 
You can visit this website: that contains some interesting presentations 
Or that website: with lots of information about AI.


Wikipedia. (2016). Artificial intelligence. [Internet]. Available at: <> . [Accessed on: 23/4/2016].

Ted. (2016). Playlist (6 talks) Artificial intelligence.  [Internet]. Available at: <>. [Accessed on: 23/4/2016].

Tuesday 5 April 2016

The A to Z index HCI

A - Artificial Inteligence
B - Browser
C - Cognition
D - Diversity
E - Emotional Appealing, Effectiveness, Efficiency, Easy, Effort, Experience, Exploratory
F - Frustrating
H - Human
I - Interaction
J- Joyful
K - Keyboard
L - Layout
M - Memory
N - Novel
O - Optimal Design
P - Pleasurable
Q - Quality
R - Rational
S - Speech-based
T - Touch
U - User
V - Visibility
X - Xbox
Y - Yielder
Z - Zoomorphism

Please, feel free to suggest me more words!!

Thursday 17 March 2016

Why You Only Need to Test with 5 Users

This blog post is about an article I read and I want to share with you some of the main points of this article. 
That article has a title "Why You Only need to Test with 5 Users" and the writer is Jakob Nelsen

From the research of  Toom Landauer exported the following chart:

From the above chart we can export information:

  • Zero users => gives zero insights
  • Single test user => you know 1/3 of all these you need to know
  • Second user => you discover same things as from the first user + something new
  • Third user => many things that already observed + small amount of new data
  • More and more users => you learn less and less
  • After fifth user => wasting time by observing the same findings
Also Jakob Nelsen mentioned in his article that 
  • There is a need for multiple tests in order to achieve usability 
  • Engineering 
    • improve the design 
    • Not only document weaknesses 
  • After a new design always test again
  • Nobody can design the perfect user interface 
=> So there is no guarantee that the new design will fix the problems

There are three main points on this article:
  1. Elaborate usability tests are a waste of resources. 
  2. The best results come from testing no more than 5 users
  3. and running as many small tests as you can afford  

Nelsen, J. (2000).  Why You Only Need to Test with 5 Users. [Internet]. Available at: <>. [Accessed on:14/3/2016].